Pricing Built
for Companies
of All Sizes

Modern’s customer-first approach applies to our pricing too. It is an extension of our product philosophy where the focus is on finding value in data through activation rather than moving or storing it.

Customer First Pricing

To ensure our customers find value with DataOS we have two kinds of pricing models available to our customers.

01. Pay as You Go

Get started with no upfront fees. With pay-per-use, you pay for data’s value, not just to process it.

02. Enterprise

For enterprises with high volumes of usage, a yearly subscription with no limits on usage and functionality.

Learn more about pricing.

Key Features



Monitor the health and performance of your data and enhance data reliability

Data Depot

Data Depot

Connect data sources to DataOS and start gaining value without moving any data

Data Software

Data as Software

Use and deploy data as software with versioning capabilities, including data replay

Data Quality

Data Quality

Ensure trustworthy data and high-quality insights with validation and profiling checks

Data Product

Data as a Product

Convert raw data into consumable data products with dictionary, schema evolution, lineage, impact, profiling, usage, and quality

Data Sharing

Data Sharing

Enable seamless, secure, and monitored data collaboration across your business ecosystem to unlock new business models and insights

Knowledge Graph

Knowledge Graph

A semantic network that is enriched in real-time with metadata and lineage to reflect the complex relationships between various data sets



Built-in lakehouse that delivers ACID compliance, reliability, and performance for both structured and unstructured data



Automate data access control with granular privacy controls — ABAC governance enables flexible and scalable policies that adapt to changing or new compliance regulations



A fast, distributed SQL query engine for big data analytics providing low code access to data and insights for business users — a data GUI for everyone to use


Automatic Data Catalog

Automatic cataloging of all data with real-time updates so that teams discover deep connections, uncover patterns within the data, and get definitive explainable results

Think Data Products. Think Modern.

Talk to Us Today.