Get to the Future Faster - Modernize Your Manufacturing Data Architecture Without Ripping and ReplacingImplementing customer lifetime value as a mission-critical KPI has many challenges. Companies need consistent, high-quality data and a straightforward way to measure...
Creative Ways Retail Business Intelligence Delivers Value to Customers
It may surprise you to know that retail is one of the most data-driven industries out there. While tech companies may get all the press for leveraging data — for better or worse — it’s retail that’s putting customer data to use to create dynamic experiences and pivot...
The Latest Look in Retail – Powering Sales and Strategy with Advanced Analytics
The Latest Look in Retail – Powering Sales and Strategy with Advanced AnalyticsRetail faces myriad challenges to remain competitive in a noisy market. Some challenges are within their control but happen without warning. Others fall outside their control. There's one...
How Retail Can Build a Security-First Data Architecture
Retail loves data. While tech companies get all the press when it comes to data and innovation, retail is quietly (and sometimes not so quietly) ramping up data collection and analytics to pursue the ideal customer 360 model. It has become essential to the industry’s...
Transforming Retail Legacy Systems with a Data Operating System
Companies are spending more than they think maintaining legacy systems, but what’s the alternative? Offloading them? If the thought of burning bridges with legacy systems made you sweat, there is a way to integrate these systems into your new stack without...
You Don’t Have to Abandon Customer 360
Data silos are where insights go to die. Everyone knows this, but the retail sector experiences unique challenges when it comes to bridging those gaps. Customers demand more personalization and better interactions with brands, making overcoming data silos one of the...